All The Kinky Things I Never Imagined
Originally written in 2012

He told me the movie “Secretary” was important to his life.
I promptly agreed to date him.
The conversations, the laughter, the meals are all of no consequence. Perhaps the only purpose to highlight it, would be that there was a connection.
He was quirky, eccentric, honest, straight forward with a very dirty minded streak. He kept inching closer to find my boundaries. He was giving and never turned down a chance to look me directly in the eye.
When given the option, “Do you want another drink, or….," ... I opted for the "or.”
Hours later, my hands and feet were in restraints, a rope pinned me down, a speculum was in my vagina and there was a bar between my legs.
There was also the multiple spankings throughout my entire body with the riding crop.
There was the choking. The slapping. The biting.
There were nipple clamps and another clamp on my clit.
I had NEVER experienced this before. I’d never known the degree of my tolerance and somehow I found myself wanting him to spank me harder and I enjoyed the tension of all clips.
In his dominant sadism, there was kindness and gentleness. He measured every infliction. He was an expert and knew when to give me more and when to pull back. When it hurt too much, he comforted me. Every spanking was followed by too many kisses to count.
He fucked me.
He pinned me down with clamps and restraints, spanked me raw and fucked me.
It was the most exhilarating sexual experience I’d had to date. All those kinky things I’d never imagined but knew existed were coming to light.
He found my box and opened it without restraint. Pandora emerged.
There was no going back.
Do you ever opt for the "OR"?

Sheena LaShay is a Wild Magical Woman, Intellectual Sensual Shaman, and Creative Artist. She writes for, Owning Pink, Verizon Wireless, Bodybinds and is the Co-President of the Pole Dancing Bloggers Association.